Sales Reps Wanted

You are invited to participate in a unique opportunity where you can introduce companies, associations, organizations, religious institutions, fund raising groups and clubs to high-value employee/member benefits, including FREE online medical consultations for prescription medications targeting weight-loss, allergy and non-narcotic pain relief medications delivered to their home, and with discount pricing.  


Watch the video to learn more and Register below to attend the next live interactive presentation.  

You can help make a difference in the lives of others by improving employee/member health. These ancillary services can also be a powerful way for the organization to show their commitment to the well-being of their employees and/or members.  As a result of employees/members receiving the targeted health benefits – weight-loss, allergy medication and/or non-narcotic prescription medication for chronic pain relief, they often are healthier, feel better, have more energy and can lead more productive lives.

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Broker Portal

Register here to attend our live interactive training via video conference offered bi-weekly.  

FREE Online Medical Consultations

Provides FREE online medical consultations to each employee/member. This is a HUGE benefit.

No Cost to You

There is no investment or cost on your part.

No Cost to Any Account

There is no cost to any employer, association, religious institution, fund raising group or club.  

No Limit

There is no limit or cap on your commission income. Large numbers of employees/members purchasing medications on a monthly subscription means potentially very high commissions/residual income to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I earn money, and what are my income limitations, if any?

When you enroll as a Sales Representative, you will be issued a unique Landing Page to introduce companies, associations, religious institutions, clubs, etc., and their employees or members to the benefits offered by (“MRCRx”). Any new account or organization that registers for our benefit package for employees/members, earns you 25% of MRCRx income with every order shipped to their employees or members. The more shipments of medications that are made, the more you or your organization (as you designate) can earn. There are NO limits on your income.

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What investment do I need to make to become a Sales Representative?

There is no financial investment necessary by you or any account or organization that you register.  You will need to complete a Sales Representative Agreement and fill out some forms so that we can send monthly sales activity reports and make commission payments to you and/or your designated organization.

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What qualifications are necessary to be an effective Sales Representative?

If you have business contacts, that is a good start. Many Sales Representatives have friends that work in companies or are members of associations, religious organizations or membership clubs that have large employee and/or membership rosters. They can often introduce you to the owner(s), leadership, human resources (HR), or employee/membership benefits department decision makers.

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What tools or materials are provided to me so that I can be effective?

Once you complete the Sales Representative Agreement, you will receive your unique Landing Page, which you can distribute to your contacts so they can learn about the benefits program and enroll. We will also provide you with additional professional marketing materials.

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What will the new account or organization need to do?

The decision maker(s) will need to go to your official Landing Page click on the QR code or link and Register their organization. They will then have access to our benefits for their employees or members.  Visit our website to learn more about all the benefits available. 

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How do I earn money as a Sales Representative or organization?

Each new account that uses your unique Sales Representative Landing Page to enroll, will automatically track every employee and member shipment of our products. You will receive are port of all amounts of products purchased, the amount of funds generated and your commission. Commissions are paid to you (or your organization as you designate) each month. There is no limit on the amount you and/or your organization can earn.

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Can I provide a financial incentive to my new account or organization to Register and promote MRCRx to their employees and/or members?

Yes, you can elect to give any portion of your 25% commission to your new account. As an example, you can elect to provide 100% of your commission your new account or you can provide a percentage of your 25% commission. We will send the 25% to you or if you elect to have a new account or organization receive a % we will send that % directly to your account or organization. You can use different percentages of your 25% for each new account or provide the same financial contribution to all your new accounts or organizations.

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What are my next steps to getting started?

You will need to attend your first live, interactive Sales Training by Registering as a Sales Broker on this page. We will then send you a calendar link for your attendance at the time you selected.

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What happens after I attend the live, online interactive presentation?

You will be sent a Sales Representative Agreement to review and sign. The Sales Representative Agreement provides you with your compensation and other terms so that we can develop a long-term business relationship together. Once you sign and return the Sales Representative Agreement, you will be provided with a “Broker Portal” where you can download professional marketing materials including video and presentation materials. Your Broker Portal is also where you can monitor how many employees and members have registered for the benefit from your accounts. You will also beprovided with simple steps to have new accounts Register for the benefits. You will receive support from our marketing team with ongoing communications and additional online training you can access any time at your convenience.

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